What we do when we aren't hacking you
In my last year as a teenager, I worked as an IT assistant for Mr. Ho Huy, the big boss at Mai Linh Taxi.
The man was a total baller. Back in 2003, he was always rolling with a wad of crisp 500K bills – like, seriously, that's all he used. He would go out to eat and just tell them to keep the change!
I joined Mai Linh and dragged two of my buddies along. Truth be told, the three of us were pretty useless, basically a bunch of freeloaders. Mr. Huy hired us for some crazy reason, but he was always super nice to us.
One day, we were chilling in the office when Mr. Huy walked in and said, "Come with me, boys!" He took us straight to a tailor and got each of us two custom suits. They were super nice—fit perfectly, looked great, and lasted forever. I wore mine for years.
Anyway, that memory stuck with me, and ever since I’ve always secretly wished that some day I'd take a team of mine out for some new threads.
And, finally, we did it yesterday! It was super fun, at least for me 😅. Thankfully, most of our hackers and engineers also enjoyed it!
This shopping thing is actually very time consuming. Our ops team and I did a lot of research, hesitating between a tailor and a store, and ended up choosing the latter because they had more options and I'm already a fan.
Now we know how to do this, we want to make it into a Calif’s tradition. Next time I'd love to go back to the tailor that Mr. Huy took us to. If I remember correctly, it was Thắng's Veston on Le Thanh Ton Street. If anyone knows where it moved to, let me know!

If this looks fun to you, we're hiring. Otherwise, don’t worry, you can always wear anything to work, nobody cares!